Thursday, 25 July 2013



OBESITY /OVER WEIGHT AND FAT LOSS is the main concern and point of discussion now a days. Everywhere its going haywire and all are trying everything to get those belly flat and lose those abdomen fat around your waist,thigh and triceps etc.

Many are spending hours on cardio or aerobic running over treadmill and cross-trainer to loss those extra calories to lose or burn fat, but is that one or two hour exercise is optimum for your fat loss or those few hours exercising and running on cardio equipment will get you accomplish the goal of firm and flat six pack abdomen .
Then the answer is yes and no also, In reality running on cardio causes you calorie and weight loss but thats muscle loss and not fat loss. Fat loss starts afterward those calories that you burn comes from meal that you had taken before the exercise and after that stored muscle energy source which is glycogen,then in the end it comes from fat deposit. Now the switch of energy transfer from muscle to Fat is very gradual which is again a point of discussion.

Weight Training or anaerobic exercise is used to train muscles all over the body with isolated or compound exercises. when we train our muscles with anaerobic exercises then blood circulation around that area will increase for nutrition and to wash off residue of anaerobic respiration. Ultimately muscle mass will increase with anaerobic exercises which will lead to increase the BMR.

BMR is the basal metabolic rate or energy required by body to sustain as example to stand,sit,sleep etc. we need energy all the time to power our muscles and organs to pump and keep us alive.Our Muscles need energy all the time to work and to keep us in equilibrium ,so by increasing muscle mass we are constantly using more energy per hour as compare to few extra  calories burn during Cardio treadmill or crosstrainer running .

Example if Person A with 1400KJ BMR burns 500 calories in one hour on treadmill and cross-trainer, whereas person B with same 1400kj BMR burns 300 Calories on weight training ,after four week of training Person A loses 1800 gm weight but Person B loses 4000gm weight because he increase his muscle mass eventually in one month and which increases his BMR and thus not only during exercise he is burning more calories all the time while eating,standing,sleeping etc. 

so In the end even-though Person A work harder and lost more calories during its cardiac aerobic workout duration which is one to two hour of exercise, but Person B lost more calories eventually in a long period here in one month even though his anaerobic weight training exercise made him lose lesser calories during the workout duration that is one hour but it increases muscle mass and muscle adaptability to work efficiently which causes increase in muscle mass and thus increase BMR ,resulting in more calories lost during day to day life functioning.

So for aerobic cardio exercise you can burn calories for one or two hour per day and which comes around maximum of 12-14 hours per week,whereas in muscle building anaerobic exercise even though you are burning lesser calories during those 12-14 hours per week but by increasing the muscle mass and resulting BMR(basal metabolic rate) you are burning much more calories per unit time for remaining 156 hours per week, so think about this aspect also before going or joining anything for fat loss.
 Its always a combination of both aerobic and anaerobic exercise which result maximum,so always mix cardio with weight training for muscle building and fat loss along with conditioning.

Sunday, 21 July 2013



Myths : Crunches are done to burn abdominal fat

Crunches or sit ups normally done to reduce the abdomen fat as to decrease their waist size and to become slim, but in reality abdominal crunches train and strengthen your abdominal muscles (i.e Rectus abdominal and Transverse abdominal and Obliques) and not burn that abdominal fat literally. In reality target fat reduction as in this case around abdominal or stomach is hard to be possible, actually fat burns is Overall and full body fat percentage decrease together and its not like if we were doing abs crunches it will lead us to decrease the abdominal fat, thus target fat reduction is not possible. 

Fat reduction is Overall and full body fat percentage decrease on a whole and its not like only from stomach and not from biceps,or only target to triceps and neck region and not around thus fat will be reduced from everywhere and not just from where we are exercising.

Crunch ABDOMINAL exercise

Rationale behind Crunches:

Crunches are abdominal exercise meant for abdominal strengthening and to increase the strength and power of abdominal muscle mainly Rectus abdominal the superficial abdominal muscle and if done properly with engaging core first and squeeze your stomach in and then perform crunches along with tight abdominal will give you best result.

PROPER Crunches : position and movements
Starting position:
Crunch position starts in supine position or lying on your back with knees bend and feet together and placed on the ground and arms either on side of body or cross arm over your chest or with bent elbow and palm close to your ears(as in figure) with increase in intensity and more resistance as we move our hand toward head. 

Crunches starts with sucking your stomach in and to engage your core in the starting position (written above)
and then use your abdominal muscles to raise your thorax or upper body from the ground above so that scapula( bone on upper back ) is off the ground , or raise till you bend maximally in sit-ups, without moving your legs and with engaging your core as to tighten the stomach in and do the exercise properly and repeat.

End position:
End position is when your body is in the air and elbows bent and try to keep them away from the body and don't pull them inside closer to chest (as in figure) and maintain the core tightness and breath out.

Summary, crunches with core incorporation in proper posture helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles and not burn the target stomach fat, so do abdominal crunches for strengthening your muscles and with increase in body metabolism and calories requirement during and after exercise help you lose fat overall from the body. Remember fat always increase and decrease in Total as it increase according to Lifestyle, body type and food or diet intake and via blood stream. so stress on exercise which increase the body requirement for calorie consumption ,this will eventually help to burn fat.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013



CORE has important role to play in building those six-eight packs of abs or abdominals which you always wanted to have. More like before building a multistory structure first thing is strong foundation or base, similarly before going for those six packs which mainly are the superficial muscles of abdominals called rectus abdominals, we have to train the inner foundation muscle layer that is transverse abdominals first which help in making the base or core and works best while doing isometrics movement and to maintain proper posture and gait.
Abdominal muscles deep and superficial group

Abdominal Muscle group :

1. Rectus Abdominus (superficial muscle group)

2. Transverse Abdominus (Deep Muscle group)

3.Obliques (  Internal and external Oblique )

4. Serratus Anterior ( Associate Muscle group)

These muscle group work in coordination to engage core for stable posture and gait. Muscle action of abdominal maintain core and regulate breathing with protection of internal organs and storehouse.

Thus before training Rectus abdominal which normally everyone do as in crunches and sit-ups one should first train for core or deep layer which is transverse abdominal which is by Leg raise and hold ,because for proper stable six packs , the core has to be strong and then over  rectus abdominal will work effectively and contract accordingly to develop those six packs which you always dream of.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Rationale behind abdominals cramming for core training

Abdominals are the main muscles which propagates the power to hold and balance with respect to back musculature and  maintain your posture and gait.

Reciprocal Relationship
There is always a reciprocal relationship between muscle groups adjoining any particular joint or bone, example biceps and triceps over your anterior and posterior aspect of arm(femur bone) are always in reciprocal relationship, means one can work only if other is relaxed i.e when biceps contract whose action is flexion of elbow joint and your elbows bend ,then your triceps has to relax (whose action is extension of elbows) so that biceps can work fluently and efficiently , similar is the effect of triceps ,as when triceps work then biceps whose action is opposite to triceps has to relax so that triceps work effectively.

Reciprocal relationship in comparison to core is that of muscles comprising front or anterior aspect of thighs with that of posterior aspect or back musculature. Abdminals which covers the anterior part of abdomen and pelvis has similar reciprocal relationship with lower-back musculature. So if core has to balance your body then your abdominal has to be strong to counterbalance your lower back muscles as because of standing and bad posture mostly have stiff or tight lower back along with tight hamstrings(back of your thigh) muscles.

So, abdominals including Rectus abdominals, transverse abdominals and external and internal oblique should be trained properly and accordingly to counterbalance the tight lower back and associated hamstring muscle.
But before strengthening one should first go for stretching that muscle and also the opposite muscle group because if opposite muscle group are already tight and you are training the weak muscle then it will not solve the problem soon. So better first stretch the tight muscle group and then strengthening of opposite weak muscle. so in this case first stretch the lower back and hamstrings muscles and then gradually train for abdominals to train for your core.

Thus the rationale behind abdominals exercise is to train for your base or core so that the bio-mechanics behind normal posture and gait  remain intact while standing and walking keep in correlation with proper neuro-muscular coordination between your core musculature.

Friday, 12 July 2013




Result Improvement and Performance-enhancing supplements like creatine, steroids etc are very popular among athletes and gym lovers . Creatine is a naturally occurring substance that is found in low doses in foods and our body generate some amount of creatine for energy requirements .It enhances muscle strength and endurance safely, but there is serious concern about its side effects and addiction with long-term use in every research field. Furthermore, because creatine and steroids are marketed as a supplement they are banned from athletic organizations and Committee.

Anabolic and catabolic steroids are artificially chemicals which acts like a chemical messenger or hormones for improved organ function, both are used by athletes and many more to enhance results, but there are extremely powerful and dangerous drugs that help to build muscle tissue by acting like the male hormone testosterone. Depending on steroids to improve athletic ability is illegal,and it can be extremely harmful, especially for teenagers. Steroids can have an extreme effect on stunting growth.

 Other side effects include:
Severe acne,Baldness,Sleep problems,Headaches, Nausea and vomiting.
Diarrhea,High blood pressure, heart disease and strokes.
Liver damage,Aggressive, violent behavior,Severe mood swings (also depression and anxiety attacks),Hallucinations and paranoia.

Too much of anything is not good for anyone, thus steroids cause males to produce less of their own testosterone naturally as they are getting from outside artificially so their body stop its formation as it is already their, which can result in impotence, gynecomastia (increased breast size) and reduced sperm count. In females, steroids can lead to reduced breast size, deeper voice, increased facial and body hair, and menstrual problems.

Athletic ability depends on more than just muscle mass. Genetics, age, diet, training, dedication, and perseverance all play a part in how a young adult plays sports. Using steroids or supplements is not only cheating, it can cause numerous health problems. Until safety can be established, I would discourage you from taking creatine and steroids.




Core in simple terms means center and similarly in body also Core means center of body, consist of hips, pelvis, trunk, and neck regions except arms and legs. Normally we can call them as combination of abdominal musculature in the front of body and which work opposite and in coordination with Back Musculature which comprises rear or behind body components.

Core generally in lay men term consists of ABDOMINALS, which consist of rectus abdominal ,external and internal obliques and Transverse abdominal (which itself is the inner layer of abdominal), along with abdominal comes back  muscles like erector spinae, multifidus, spinal ligaments and shoulder with upper back complex like trapezius (upper,middle and lower ) Rhomboidus (major and minor ) muscles and others.

Everyone in gym and fitness centre say engage your core,use your core ,but in actual they just dont differentiate between engaging core and holding your breath. In general while using your core you have to use your breathing pattern also which help you use your inner layer of muscles along with your primary muscle group.

Breathing pattern should be in accordance with exercise rhythm and should use your breathing like while exertion you should exhale or breath out while during release you should inspire to increase your oxygen requirement for muscles and body.

Rest we will discuss each and every point regarding abdominal and core training along with muscle building with benefits of compound and isolated exercise for aerobic or cardio exercises and weight training.